We help companies leverage AI and Generative AI to

provide real-time answers

generate new insights

automate complex workflows

Why create Clarista?

For decades, organizations have only known two ways to access information – business applications such as CRM and business intelligence such as dashboards. Both these methods are expensive, time consuming and only applicable to repeatable needs. For everything else, the path to timely information has been lacking.​

Technical and data leaders are struggling to meet the growing demands from every business function for timely and trusted information. Cloud adoption, data pipelines and warehouses are taking years, but haven’t delivered on the promise of reducing the time to insights.​

There must be a better way. We could not continue to accept the status quo with last mile challenges of information delivery. Modern data stack was not proving out to be enough.​


When the problem is this big and old, the mission becomes simple. ​

We’ve made it our mission to deliver real-time answers to every person in every enterprise,   overcoming information barriers without compromising with the enterprise standards for security and privacy. ​

Our job is to help enterprises in bridging the gap between the transformation power of AI and the complex enterprise data landscape, making human interaction with data as natural as a conversation. ​

We call this AI-Data bridge the Context Intelligence.  It continuously learns and develops with a organizational data, industry terminology, user interactions and expert feedback. Equipped with this Context Intelligence, organizations can leverage AI to find real-time answers through the data hidden in many systems and data stores.​


If the goal is to solve the last mile challenge of information delivery, then the solution has to start there. ​

We start with the users to understand the questions that do not get easily answered today. We then connect to technical platforms that hold the pieces of these answers, and leverage AI to automatically link and define disconnected data. This gives our customers immediate transparency into their data, unified by business purpose and serving as a ‘Control Plane’ to analyze data integrity and quality. ​

Next, we enhance the current data with AI insights and proprietary metrics, which are unified back with the Control Plane. Now that we have the mastered view of data and insights at customer, product, and company level, we make it available to everyone to get real-time answers from their data. ​

Clarista continuously learns from data and user interactions to form the necessary ‘Context Intelligence’, optimizing responses for every subsequent question.​

About Us

Our founder, Suvrat Bansal, has led ground up formation of data management, cloud, and AI analytics capabilities for global organizations, initially as a technology leader and then as a Chief Data and Analytics Officer. He has extensive experience in driving innovation with measurable business outcomes at lower cost.​

Hyper-automation requires deep understanding of an organization’s business priorities, processes, and data. Hence, our team consists of industry experts, AI/ML scientists and phenomenal engineers. We believe in not only delivering awesome solutions for our customers but also optimizing the time and process leading to them through a combination of business and technical knowledge.​

Suvrat Bansal
Founder & CEO

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